
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Being Busy, Prepostions, and Stuff

Hello Suzies,

I would say, "I'm promise I'm back for good," buuuut we see how that has turned out.  I don't forget about you, I CAN promise you that much.  I just get so busy and procrastinate and blah blah all those shenanigans.  Anyway, here I am!

Since I've been away I have taken several pictures to be used for WideEyedSusan, this is one!  Taken by my wonderful friend Lesley, I stand in an alley of clovers and beside a wall covered in graffiti out of which I was unable to make words..  I am wearing an outfit of which I am extremely yet peculiarly proud.  I feel like these sentences sound weird because I'm trying to make them grammatically correct by not putting prepositions at the end.. please excuse me.  It was dream job day at school on this particular day and I tried to dress the role of Accessories Director at TeenVogue; I really like Sheena Smith, she is the cooliest.  Plus, I never get to wear normal clothes to school because we wear uniforms.  I talked about that in this post!  
Now time to get down to bidness.  From head to toe? FROM HEAD TO TOE!  My RayBans are a staple item, love'em.  My earrings are from the ever lovely Urban Outfitters.  You can barely see it but the silver necklace laying under my collar is from H&M along with the black ring on my pinky!  My bracelets are just from around the house, I really wish I could tell you where they are from but I have no idea.  Oh! My purse, it's kind of hiding behind my person, is from TopShop, and oh my oh my how I love it!  The chambray collared shirt is from Gap, the overlaying boyfriend-like sweater is from- I could eat this store up- H&M.  Black jeggings... YOU GUESSED RIGHT, H&M!  Desert boots are an autumn and winter essential, mine are Steve Madden- very reliable boot brand.  My coat is my favorite favorite favorite!  It is a vintage piece of my Great-Grandmother Dot's, actually made by a local seamstress way back.  This one-of-a-kind piece is covered in a tiny blue and green hounds tooth!  
I would like to wish everyone a very very happy Thanksgiving!! 
Comment below if you would like to see a post about a certain something! I love love love new ideas.  


p.s. If you are looking for some good music, for traveling or cleaning or generally living, check out Haim.  I adore them, so fab.